Friday, 26 April 2019

The Qur'an and Spirituality

Micheal Sells asserts that it is the Qur’an that is the basis of Islamic spirituality starting with the mysteries of the Verse of Light. He highlights the deep connection between Islamic art and the Qur’an while also demonstrating the spiritual nature of daily Muslim practices, like the adhan, salah, as well sawm and hajj. The prophet’s night journey, the Miraj, is yet another example of mysteries of the connection with the divine. He also explains the development of sufism from early Islam to before its golden age after 1000 CE.

Sayyed Hossein Nasr writes about the Qur’an being central to Islamic spirituality and like Sells he also mentions the Miraj and the first revelations as evidence of the spiritual nature of the Qur’an as well as the prophet himself. Furthermore, he contends that all basic Islamic concepts like the shahadah, tawhid and dhikr, are intertwined for the benefit of the soul. Moreover, the recitation of the Qur’an is a very spiritual experience as every letter and every word is for the guidance and benefit of the soul. The Qur’an is the map, the history book, the encyclopaedia of the soul to its Maker.

While both authors speak about Islam’s spiritual development, Sells takes a more historic analysis while still at times explaining the spiritual significance of his subject matter. Whereas, Nasr speaks from the heart and goes into the depth of Islamic spirituality as a person who knows the road that the soul must take.

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