Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Only Taqwa will Remedy Our Condition


For many years I genuinely believed that education was the only cure for the weak and helplessness condition of the ummah, while in my youth I radically held to the idea that political power was the only answer. After contemplating this matter over recently, I am now convinced that it is taqwa. There is no other remedy for the salvation and advancement of this ummah. 

Here I present the arguments against power, knowledge and education and wealth, as things that cannot be relied upon to save this ummah.

The Lust for Power

The lust for power is a hangover from the days of empires, that many among us pine for the glory days when Islam was the dominant ideology and law of the government of the day. This is still seen with the survival of eight absolute and semi-absolute monarchies in the world today. It sounds very logical and persuasive to believe in a top-down or bottom-up revolution to change the ummah. Top-down is the Iranian Revolution style, where the government is overthrown then a cultural revolution takes place to change the society towards a utopian Islamic society, whereas a bottom-up revolution is the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood revolution, where Islamic parties participate in elections by getting the popular support of the people in order to change Muslim societies for the better. The more violent top-down revolutionaries are the jihadi groups like Book Haram, Taliban, al-Qaeda, Daesh and al-Shabab; who are not afraid to use terror to achieve their goals. Most of their violent actions lead to mostly Muslim deaths. 

Unfortunately as recent history demonstrates, both types of revolutions are failures. The Iranian Revolution has by no means been a success nor has the Muslim Brotherhood experiment in Egypt. Top-down revolutions quickly turn its leaders into fascists, who do not tolerate dissent and minority groups, while bottom-up revolutions incite Muslims to "us and them" politics to gain power and marginalise minorities. 

Nowhere have both types of revolutions resulted in the better betterment of those Muslim communities. They have not prospered whether in Islamic terms - no society is better Islamically speaking. That is to say, that the society is closer to Allah and exhibiting the signs of Muslim brotherhood and sisterhood, as well as, showing compassion, fear of Allah and good akhlaq.

The lust for power has resulted in Muslims being made into refugees and even killed. They have also become hated around the world for their insistence on gaining power to enslave people, including Muslims. Allah did not send Islam to enslave people; Allah sent Islam so that we may become slaves of Allah. This ideology which is called Islamism today has wrecked havoc on the world, and made people suspicious of Muslims and Islam. It has also attracted the wrong sorts of people to join these causes in order to gain power to subjugate and oppress people.

It is for these apparent reasons that power is not the answer to rectify the ummah.

What About Knowledge and Education?

While knowledge and education do indeed hold a lot of promise, it is not enough to change the situation of the ummah. A clear example is the fact that all Muslims know that salah is compulsory and have some idea on how to perform it, yet most do not pray regularly. The same can be said of many Islamic duties and obligations. 

On the other hand, one thing that has happened in the last 50 years is that the outward appearance of Islam is now widespread. This is seen with men having beards and women wearing hijabs. At a glance it would seem that the ummah has improved, however, when dealing with people one quickly realises that while they may appear to be Muslims, their actions are contrary to Islam.

With the advent of the internet, free Islamic knowledge and affordable education is available to everyone who is motivated to get it. Indeed, the collection of muftis, imams, huffaz and Muslim dawah workers are on the rise. From YouTube channels, to websites and podcasts, every Islamic topic and issue is being discussed, taught and examined. The establishment of many madrasahs, Islamic colleges and universities around the world has not as yet produced the kind of Muslim revolution to change the character and un-Islamic attitude of the ummah. Thus, knowledge and education can only take people so far, it cannot make people have good character, it cannot make people pray five times a day, and it cannot make people pay their zakah. 

Only Taqwa can.

Gold Dinar, Anyone?

Then there is those who believe that the only way forward is to bring back the gold dinar, and this will solve all out problems. While this is a good attempt to rid the economic system of riba, it is not a fast fix to all the other ills afflicting the ummah.

The gold dinar concept and the idea of Islamic economic progress cannot be the answer because wealth and worldly gain is already present especially in the gulf countries, yet Islam is still very weak there. 

Wealth cannot rectify this ummah.

Only Tawqa is the Answer!

Taqwa is the answer because taqwa will make people pray, taqwa will make people act upon the knowledge they have and taqwa will change people's character. This is because taqwa requires a Muslim to first and foremost to fear Allah, be constantly aware of Him, being conscious of what pleases Allah and what displeases Him and to act on what Allah loves and to desist from what Allah hates.

Without taqwa, there will never be a Islamic revolution. There will never be a change in the character and attitude of the ummah. If righteous people are very rare to find; righteous leaders are rarer still.

The nature and character of the ummah must change for the ummah to change, and nothing will change this ummah except taqwa. Allah says,

"Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not for them besides Him any patron." (Surah al-Ra'd 13:11)

The path of righteousness is never easy and that is why no leader, no group or organisation calls to it. It is a difficult and soul-searching journey whose fruits are sweet but hard work, suffering and sacrifice is needed. We should not be fooled by the fake calls to taqwa, which are sectarian, arrogant, self-serving and promoting evil on the earth. 

Each Muslim must look within themselves and rectify themselves with their focus on attaining taqwa. This is the path of victory and revolution. This is the path that Allah loves.


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