Friday, 26 April 2019

Crisis of Faith

Whenever an issue confronts the mind
Confounds the heart
Troubles the conscience
In regard to Allah’s Deen

Stop and reflect - 
Allah’s Deen is perfect
Allah’s Deen is eternal
Allah’s Deen is the solution

It is we who are defective:
In our thinking
In our reasoning
In our understanding
In our relationship with Allah
In our knowledge about His Deen
In our egotistic natures
In our pride and conceit

The answer is to:
Run to Allah
Seek His shade
Immerse yourself in His love and mercy
Fall down and submit
Behave like a humble slave
Admit your ignorance
Accept your need for guidance

And only then - 
The answer
The prayer
The realisation
The epiphany
Will dawn upon you
That Allah’s wisdom is supreme
And our serenity and peace of mind
Depends on total submission
Total love and adoration
Of our Rabb!

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