Our relationship with Allah is the most important relationship in our lives. He is our Rabb, our Lord, our Master, Our King and our Sustainer.
We are his slaves, and the success of the slaves lies in the total obedience and surrender, to the will of their Master and Owner.
Annemarie Schimmel, the German orientalist scholar on Islam, wisely wrote, “The true slave (abduhu) of God is … the truly free person.” (Celebrating Muhammad, p. 15)
Being a slave of Allah is an honour, not a humiliation. But in order for us to be honoured we must submit and humble ourselves before our Gracious Lord.
As you know, the prophets and the messengers are the best of Allah’s creation, and Allah calls them His slaves.
In Surah al-Zukhruf 43:59, Allah says about Isa alayhis Salam, “He was not more than a slave. We granted Our Favour to him, and We made him an example to the Bani Israel.”
In Surah al-Isra 17:11, Allah says about the night journey of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam, ‘Glorified and exalted be He who took His slave for a journey by night …’
And concerning the revelation of the Glorious Qur’an to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, Allah says in Surah an-Najm 53:10, ‘Thus, He revealed to His slave what He revealed.’
Allah calls his mightiest messengers His slaves.
We are the slaves of Allah Subhan wa Ta’ala because everything we have, including ourselves, belongs to Him and is owned and controlled by Him. We cannot do anything that is against the will of our Lord. Every breath we take, we do so because Allah has given us the ability and strength to do so. If Allah does not will something, that thing can never occur.
Ten names and attributes of Allah which focus on our relationship with Him are:
- Allah - Surah al-Fatihah 1:1
Allah is the proper name of our God. It means ‘He who deserves to be worshipped.’ Islam is the only religion that knows the proper name of God. That is why when we call upon Allah, we are using His personal name.
- Al-Rabb - Surah al-Fatihah 1:2
Al-Rabb means the One who creates, then helps them grow and develop, at the same time He sustains them and directs and plans everything that is needed by that creation to be made available to it for its survival and continued existence.
So for our existence on this planet, Allah created the air, the water, the plants and the animals to ensure our survival and our continued existence here. The same can be said about our bodies, families and even to a microscopic level within our cells.
- Al-Ilah - Surah al-Baqarah 2:163
Al-Ilah is the One who is adored, loved respected and worshipped with humility and sincerity in your heart. He is the only One who you seek salvation and refuge in.
- Al-Rahman & Al-Raheem - Surah al-Faihah 1:1
Signifies to us Allah’s mercy and compassion that we see everyday in our lives. This mercy and compassion is there for both believers and disbelievers, for sinners as well as, for those who repent.
- Al-Qareeb - Surah al-Baqarah 2:186
Allah said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that when My slaves ask you concerning Me, tell them I am near. Allah is not distant, not unaware of you and not uncaring about your situation. He is ever near.
- Al-Qadir - Surah at-Tariq 86:8
Shows us that Allah is capable of doing as He wills. That is why the slave must turn to his Master as Allah is Able when the creation is incapable.
- Al-Musta’an - Surah Yusuf 12:18
Means the One whose help is sought. Allah is the one whom we turn to when we need help.
- Al-Mujeeb - Surah Hud 11:61
Means the Responsive, so when we call on Allah, He will respond. Subhan Allah, so why wouldn’t we turn to Him whenever we are in need, when our Rabb is responsive.
- Al-Lateef - Surah al-An’am 6:103
Allah is gentle and most kind towards His creation. His immense kindness can be seen by the fact that none of us requested to be born yet He created us, and none of us wanted to become Muslims and yet He guided us.
- Al-Kareem - Surah al-Infitar 82:6
Allah is the most generous to His slaves. He gives us His blessings and favours every single day, most of which without us even asking.
I have concentrated on Allah’s names and attributes that inspire us to love, adore and worship our Rabb. There are of course, many more names which I will endeavour to present at another time, Insha Allah.
May Allah give us taufeeq to know Him and get closer to Him. Ameen
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