The references are all from Surah Yusuf.
Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) Alayhis Salam
- Loving son (12:4)
- Morally upright (12:23)
- In self-control - did not give in to temptation (12:24)
- Speak the truth (12:26)
- Ready to sacrifice his freedom for his beliefs (12:33)
- God-conscious - righteous (12:33, 53, 90)
- Trust in Allah (12:34, 90)
- Believes in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (12:38)
- Conveys Allah’s message to others (12:39-40)
- Patient in adversity (12:42, 90)
- Known as someone who tells the truth (12:46)
- His reputation is important to him (12:50)
- He wants the truth to be known (12:50)
- Even enemies testify to his upright character (12:51)
- Does not want any donut about his trustworthiness (12:52)
- Know your strengthens and qualifications (12:55)
- Generous to his family (12:62)
- Intelligent (12:62)
- Judicious (12:70-79)
- Defends himself (12:77)
- Confront wrong-doers with the truth (12:89)
- Forgiving to those who have wronged him (12:92)
- Family oriented (12:99)
- Honoured his parents (12:100)
- Grateful to Allah even after adversity (12:100-101)
- Wants closeness to Allah - taqwa (12:101)
Prophet Yaqub (Jacob) Alayhis Salam
- Loving father (12:5)
- God-conscious - righteous (12:6, 64)
- Believes in the God of Abraham and Isaac (12:6)
- Intuitive (12:13, 94)
- Patient in adversity (12:18, 83)
- Trust in God (12:18, 66, 67, 83, 84, 96)
- Cautious (12:64, 66, 67)
- Vigilant (12:67)
- Turn to Allah in times of grief and sorrow (12:86)
- Does not lose hope (12:87)
- Forgiving to those who’ve done wrong (12:98)
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